Task force on climate-related financial disclosures - TCFD

Climate change is a huge challenge, impacting us all. We recognise we have an urgent need to accelerate the transition towards net zero emissions to deliver the climate goals of the Paris Agreement, which is a pledge by world leaders to tackle global warming. At Investment Fund Services (IFS) we appreciate that there is a growing demand for more climate risk-related information about how we are managing both our business operations and our investment exposure. We are firm believers in transparent disclosures and are working on improving this through our communications.

Sponsor reports

Q. Frequently asked question about single strategy or multi asset, and about funds in general

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent maximus fermentum scelerisque. Nunc diam magna, maximus quis vulputate vel, cursus eget neque. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus in molestie risus. Quisque pharetra bibendum erat non tincidunt. Proin fermentum lectus sit amet malesuada consequat. Aenean hendrerit orci elit, at commodo mi consequat eu. Phasellus in pulvinar quam.

Q. Frequently asked question about single strategy or multi asset, and about funds in general

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent maximus fermentum scelerisque. Nunc diam magna, maximus quis vulputate vel, cursus eget neque. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus in molestie risus. Quisque pharetra bibendum erat non tincidunt. Proin fermentum lectus sit amet malesuada consequat. Aenean hendrerit orci elit, at commodo mi consequat eu. Phasellus in pulvinar quam.

Q. Frequently asked question about single strategy or multi asset, and about funds in general

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent maximus fermentum scelerisque. Nunc diam magna, maximus quis vulputate vel, cursus eget neque. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus in molestie risus. Quisque pharetra bibendum erat non tincidunt. Proin fermentum lectus sit amet malesuada consequat. Aenean hendrerit orci elit, at commodo mi consequat eu. Phasellus in pulvinar quam.

Q. Frequently asked question about single strategy or multi asset, and about funds in general

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent maximus fermentum scelerisque. Nunc diam magna, maximus quis vulputate vel, cursus eget neque. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus in molestie risus. Quisque pharetra bibendum erat non tincidunt. Proin fermentum lectus sit amet malesuada consequat. Aenean hendrerit orci elit, at commodo mi consequat eu. Phasellus in pulvinar quam.

How do you process personal data?

Investment Fund Services is subject to the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018. For the purposes of data protection law Investment Fund Services is a data controller in respect of your personal data, and we are responsible for ensuring that we use any personal data in compliance with data protection law. Details of how we process personal data can be found in our Data Privacy Notice, which is available on our website.

Who are Investment Fund Services?

Investment Fund Services acts as Authorised Corporate Director (ACD) /Authorised Fund Manager (AFM) providing help with all aspects of fund operation services, including management, oversight, and distribution to advisers, asset managers, and other organisations in the financial services sector.

What is the Regulatory Status of Investment Fund Services?

Investment Fund Services is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Our funds are all authorised OEICs/Unit Trusts and are governed by the rules of the FCA and their respective trust deed or instrument of incorporation. Details concerning the regulatory status and structure of each are set out in the fund's Prospectus.

Where can I access a copy of your Terms and Conditions (T&Cs)?

A copy of the Terms & Conditions can be obtained by navigating to the page footer under Legal Documents or by calling us on 0808 178 9321 or +44 1204 803 932 if you’re calling from overseas.  Alternatively you can email us at ifslclientsupport@ifslfunds.com.

What is data protection policy?

IFSL is subject to the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018. For the purposes of data protection law Investment Fund SL is a data controller in respect of your personal data, and we are responsible for ensuring that we use any personal data in compliance with data protection law. Details of how we process personal data can be found in our Data Privacy Notice, which is available on our website. Section 29 (Letting us process your personal information) of the T&Cs also sets out the terms upon which personal data is processed.

What is an OEIC?

An open-ended investment company is a type of fund that takes the legal form of a company. Such funds are commonly known as an 'OEIC' for short. Investment Fund Services acts as Authorised Corporate Director (ACD) to these funds.

What is an ISA?

An ISA, or Individual Savings Account, is a tax-free account. You can save money or invest into an ISA without paying capital gains tax or income tax on any interest or dividends. Anyone aged 18 or over may invest in a Stocks & Shares ISA, provided they are resident in the UK for tax purposes. This includes members of the armed forces, the Foreign Office and other Crown employees together with their spouses or those in a civil partnership overseas. There are various different ISA types available however Investment Fund Services only offer the Stocks and Shares component in the form of funds it manages, although you may open different ISA types with different providers.

There is a limit to how much you can save or invest in any single tax year, which is currently set at £20,000. The tax year runs from 6th April to 5th April the following year.

What is a dual priced fund?

Dual pricing provides an effective mechanism to protect against dilution. When investors buy or sell units the fund managers may need to create or cancel units. The action of creating or cancelling units to meet purchases and sales creates costs. A dual priced fund provides a mechanism whereby this cost is borne by the buyer or seller that causes the cost. With a single priced unit, this cost is borne by the fund itself, therefore affecting all unitholders of the fund. This is known as dilution. To find out if your fund is dual priced, please refer to the table in the Appendix below, otherwise you can contact us on 0808 178 9321 or +44 1204 803 932 if you’re calling from overseas. Alternatively you can email us at ifslclientsupport@ifslfunds.com.

What is a Unit Trust?

A Unit Trust is an authorised investment fund created in the legal structure of a trust, whose founding document is a trust deed to which the trustee and the firm that manages the fund are party. Investment Fund Services acts as Authorised Fund Manager (AFM) to a number of these funds.

What is a swinging single priced fund?

When there are more investors buying units/shares in the fund than selling, there may be occasions when we adjust (swing) the single price upwards. This is known as a dilution adjustment. If there are more investors selling than buying, there may be occasions when we swing the single price downwards. This adjustment is to cover the transaction costs of buying or selling underlying assets, such as dealing commissions, any transaction taxes and the market 'spread' on the assets.

The aim of swinging a price is to protect existing investors by absorbing the transaction costs associated with a large purchase or sale in a fund. As the requirement to swing the price is related to the overall subscriptions and redemptions in the fund, it is not possible to accurately predict when or how often dilution will occur in the future. To find out if your fund is swinging single priced, please refer to the table in the Appendix, otherwise you can contact us on 0808 178 9321 or +44 1204 803 932 if you’re calling from overseas. Alternatively you can email us at ifslclientsupport@ifslfunds.com.

What are your payment details?

If you’re sending payment electronically the details are as follows:

Account name: Investment Fund Services Limited

Account no: 54597761

Sort code: 40-05-30

IBAN: GB85MIDL40053054597761


Please use your name, your Investment Fund Services account number or holder ID as a reference so that we can match this up with your investment instruction. Not adding a reference to the payment may delay the instruction being placed or result in it being rejected. If you are unable to send payment electronically, we can accept a cheque for payment.

What is a Dilution levy?

When you sell units/shares in a single priced fund(s) we may charge a dilution levy. This is calculated by considering the cost to the fund of selling some of its underlying assets. The reason for this is to ensure that the cost to the fund of selling some of its assets to pay for those shares being sold (such as transaction costs) do not disadvantage any of the remaining investors. This levy is paid back into the fund. It is usually only charged where a large deal or series of small deals take place, as specified in the Prospectus.

Keeping your account records up to date

If you need to update any of the information we hold about you (for example your name or address) please email registration@ifslfunds.com where our team will provide you with more information on how to proceed.

How is interest held?

As set out in section 14 (How do I see investments and withdraw my money?) of the T&Cs, no interest will be paid on un-invested cash held for your Account.

How does tax affect my ISA?

Any capital gains or income from investments in an ISA are free from income tax and capital gains tax.  If your fund pays interest on distributions, they are paid without deduction of any tax. If your fund pays dividend distributions, they are also paid without deduction of any tax.

How do I trace my lost investment or unclaimed money?

Companies are constantly evolving with mergers, takeovers, or rebranding and this can make it difficult for investors to keep track of their investments or keep their account details up to date. We periodically undertake an exercise to locate clients who we think we may have lost contact with to try and re-establish contact.

To do this we utilise data tracing services to find where you may currently be living. If you think that you may have an investment with us, or you have received one of our letters, please contact us using the details below to update your account.

Please be aware when you call, we’ll need to ask you some questions about your investment and address history so please have this information to hand. We may also ask you to send us documentation so we can verify your identity. If you’d like to provide additional information, bank details, or you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0808 178 9321 or +44 1204 803 932 if you’re calling from overseas. Alternatively you can email us at ifslclientsupport@ifslfunds.com.

How are clients classified?

All investors are classified as Retail Investors.

How are costs and charges applied?

The initial charge, if applicable, is taken from your initial investment amount. The ongoing charges, including the Annual Management Fee, Trustee Fees/Depositary Fees, Auditors Fees, and Transaction Fees, are taken from the fund's assets, and are reflected within the price.

There may be taxes which you are liable to pay as part of your investment. These costs are not paid via the fund, and it is your responsibility to understand your tax liabilities. Investment Fund Services do not provide tax advice and you should therefore consider the impact of tax on your investment carefully and, if in any doubt, seek professional advice before making any investment decision. Further information relating both to the fund costs and potential tax implications can be found in the Prospectus.

Do you offer a Stocks and Shares ISA?

Some of our funds allow you to invest in an ISA. To find out if your fund allows this option, please refer to the table in the Appendix below, otherwise you can contact us on 0808 178 9321 or +44 1204 803 932 if you’re calling from overseas. Alternatively you can email us at ifslclientsupport@ifslfunds.com. 

Subject to the Terms & Conditions, you may invest by completing an ISA Application Form, which can be obtained the literature section or by contacting us.

When applying for an ISA the monies for your investment must be received before the application form can be processed and any deals placed.

Do you offer a Junior Stocks and Shares ISA (JISA)?

Some of our funds allow you to invest in a JISA. To find out if your fund allows this option, please refer to the table in the Appendix below, otherwise you can contact us on 0808 178 9321 or +44 1204 803 932 if you’re calling from overseas. Alternatively you can email us at ifslclientsupport@ifslfunds.com.

Subject to the Terms & Conditions, you may invest by completing a JISA Application Form, which can be obtained from the literature section or, by contacting us.

When applying for a JISA the monies for your investment must be received before the application form can be processed and any deals placed.

Do you offer investment advice?

Investment Fund Services does not provide investment advice, tax advice or legal advice. You should therefore consider the terms of investment in any fund carefully and, if in any doubt, seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

Can I transfer an existing ISA to you?

Yes. You may transfer an ISA in accordance with section 19 (Can I transfer my account to another provider?) of the Terms & Conditions. If you’d like to do this, please complete our ISA Transfer Form which can be  found in our literature section.

Can I send secure emails?

If you are sending any documents via email, it is best to ensure that they are sent securely. You can find guidance for sending secure emails here at ifslfunds.webflow.io/pages/guidance-on-secure-emails

Are there any additional risks associated with investing in your ISA?

All investment involves risk. There are different risks associated with each fund, which can be found in the relevant Prospectus and the fund KIID. You should not invest in a fund unless you have fully understood these risks and determined that a fund is suitable for your needs. The risks associated with each fund are present regardless of whether the investment is held in an ISA or not.

It should be noted that the favourable tax treatment given to ISAs may not be maintained. The rates of and relief from taxation depend on your own circumstances and may change over time.

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